The lists below provide links to graphical representations and textual listings of each of the Windows codepages.
SBCS (Single Byte Character Set) Codepages
1250 (Central Europe)
1251 (Cyrillic)
1252 (Latin I)
1253 (Greek)
1254 (Turkish)
1255 (Hebrew)
1256 (Arabic)
1257 (Baltic)
1258 (Vietnam)
874 (Thai)
DBCS (Double Byte Character Set) Codepages
In these graphical representations, leadbytes are indicated by light gray background shading. Each of these leadbytes hyperlinks to a new page showing the 256 character block associated with that leadbyte. Unused leadbytes are identified by a darker gray background.
932 (Japanese Shift-JIS)
936 (Simplified Chinese GBK)
949 (Korean)
950 (Traditional Chinese Big5)
OEM Code Pages
Windows OEM Code Pages
The list below provides links to graphical representations, and textual listings, of each of the Windows OEM code pages:
437 (US)
720 (Arabic)
737 (Greek)
775 (Baltic)
850 (Multilingual Latin I)
852 (Latin II)
855 (Cyrillic)
857 (Turkish)
858 (Multilingual Latin I + Euro)
862 (Hebrew)
866 (Russian)
Windows ANSI and OEM Code Pages
The following codepages are used as both Windows ANSI and OEM codepages:
874 (Thai)
932 (Japanese Shift-JIS)
936 (Simplified Chinese GBK)
949 (Korean)
950 (Traditional Chinese Big5)
1258 (Vietnam)
ISO Code Pages
The list below provides links to graphical representations, and textual listings, of each of the ISO 8859 character sets:
The list below provides links to graphical representations, and textual listings, of each of the ISO 8859 character sets: fix column width temporary text to fix column width temporary text to fix column width temporary text to fix column width temporary text to fix column width width temporary text to fix column width width temporary text to fix column column fix column width temporary text to fix column width temporary text to fix column width temporary text to fix column width temporary text to fix column width width temporary text to fix column width width temporary text to fix column column
ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1)
ISO-8859-2 (Latin 2)
ISO-8859-3 (Latin 3)
ISO-8859-4 (Baltic)
ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic)
ISO-8859-6 (Arabic)
ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew)
ISO-8859-9 (Turkish)
ISO-8859-15 (Latin 9)